Have you ever noticed how much credit we give to good writers. You could call them storytellers and you could call them manipulators. Both words fit, and still they are more...
Most easily attribute wisdom to people because of how they present information, analyzing the presentation and ignoring the content. People have always been susceptible to grandiose speeches, from Alexander the Great, to Winston Churchill and Adolph Hitler.
people are so driven by their emotions that if you can tap into them you can change people's beliefs. The problem is they will continue to change like the direction of the wind, easily believing in the next New Truth just as easily as the Last. Not everyone, just the ones who are over ruled by emotion. A fine line exists between people who are guided by their emotions and people who simply let the emotions sweep over them overruling sense. Lastly their are the people who lack emotion, if people you can call them.
And still it seems that a person devoid of all emotion and someone ruled by it both lack reason. Both equally dangerous. Unwise.
Most easily attribute wisdom to people because of how they present information, analyzing the presentation and ignoring the content. People have always been susceptible to grandiose speeches, from Alexander the Great, to Winston Churchill and Adolph Hitler.
people are so driven by their emotions that if you can tap into them you can change people's beliefs. The problem is they will continue to change like the direction of the wind, easily believing in the next New Truth just as easily as the Last. Not everyone, just the ones who are over ruled by emotion. A fine line exists between people who are guided by their emotions and people who simply let the emotions sweep over them overruling sense. Lastly their are the people who lack emotion, if people you can call them.
And still it seems that a person devoid of all emotion and someone ruled by it both lack reason. Both equally dangerous. Unwise.