The Fall

I get off work late at night and I can't seem to settle down for bed right away. So I climb on top of my car and stare up at the stars, carefully listening to the sound of the wind. I love the peace that surrounds my house in the stillness of that time of night. Love to breath in the crisp cool air of night and the losing battle of trying not to think or just trying not to think on things that get you all worked up. I have never been good at just existing. I can't seem to turn off the computer in my head until there is nothing left.
When I'm stressed to the point of tears I just let the wind kick up and dry them. It leaves me the feeling as if God is wiping away my tears just as He promised He would!
I'm a very lucky girl! I couldn't have gotten a better father then the Father that I have.

Some times at the end of a work week the most wonderful thing in the world is to escape away to a world of physical exertion. One where even if you have the opportunity to think it is with the clarity of mind that comes... Well if you don't know about the meditative properties that come with going out for an excursion into the woods or mountains then may I just recommend that you GO.
When you strip away all that confusion and noise that comes with living in this world THEN you truly have something.
When I can't take the noise in my own head any longer, the horrible uncertainty and conflicting emotions! I take myself down to Lake Fayetteville, hit the trail running, and don't slow down till all I can hear is the pounding of my heart in my lungs. What a beautiful sound it is to my overwrought mind!

Sometimes you have to go numb to survive!
Sometimes you have nothing left to give.
Sometimes you just shut down!
Sometimes you just cry.
Sometimes you must crash!
Sometimes you must fall.
But someday you will fly

I look for the day when we all will run free Unfettered


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